
Showing posts from February, 2012

sketch book of the etched japanese artworks3

Some of my rough lino prints which I made during my final major project for experimenting some media ideas. These particular prints is based as part of The Great Wave Japanese print.

sketch book of the biggest, smallest repetitive

Some layout and rough sketches for my biggest drawing onto four sheets of A1 paper, stuck together with masking tape. Just to get the basic idea of the shape and size.

sketch book of the etched japanese artworks2

Other rough prints for my final major project, only these ones are created not just by using the lino printing technique, but also using the etching printing technique, based on The Great Wave, The Koi Fish and Lotus Flower and Winter Landscape Japanese artworks.

sketch book work of the 7 magpie's 3

Rough etched prints of my seven magpies but only one of them is mixed with a lino print for media experiments, that didn't really turn out to be the best results for the final outcome for this project.

sketch book work of the 7 magpie's 2

These are the plastic templates that I used for my seven magpie project, only facing the other side because the template is flipped over when being printed onto paper. These templates were quite difficult to photograph due to the brightness of the plastic, even though the template looked so dirty it became quite hard to see the image within a photograph.

sketch book of the etched japanese artworks1

My research of the rough prints of the Japanese artworks, but when comparing the prints with images of the original artwork pieces to see the difference between each other.

sketch book of the editorial illustration

These rough drawings are quite hard to see since I only spent a couple of minutes on each one. These are rough ideas for my biscuit editorial illustration, the reason why there aren't so many sketches is because I only had one week to scanned in my final ideas and merge them with the article about having the biscuits in Antarctica.

sketch book work of the tea cup soldiers

The tea cup soldiers that were drawn into my sketchbook and then scanned onto the illustrator program on the computer to edit some colour with the drawings and then emailed to my tutor so she can print them onto plastic. Then I had to place the images onto a cup that I created in ceramics and then fired into a finished piece.

london transport sketch book work2

 Comparing London buildings and maps with the theme of music. Three A1 sheets of sketchbook work of illustrated ideas for my two final posters.  l

london transport sketch book work1


sketch book of the 7 magpie's

Photocopies of the seven magpies in a different order and flipped the wrong way round for layout ideas.

Animation puppets

In college I had an animation project based on animated videos on You Tube and found some interesting videos of cut out horses. So I thought it would be a good idea to base my video on a theme about horses since horses are quite difficult to draw I thought it would be a real challenge to produce a video about them.  All of these horses are characters in this video, twenty four cut out black paper horses used in ten scenes for my animation video.

David Shrigley

While visiting the Hayward gallery in London, I saw the exhibits of David Shrigley's work and became quite interested with his insect project in 3D.

puppet pop ups

Drawn cut out puppets as an audience for my Cabinet of Curiosities project, made into pop ups. Two of the pop ups have six puppets and the rest of the four have three puppets.

chess set

The Cabinet of Curiosities as a chess game, with the audience as puppets and the animal creatures as players.

chess set

The Cabinet of Curiosities as a chess game, with the audience as puppets and the animal creatures as players.

Black origami chess pieces

Black knight, queen and king Close ups of each chess piece that I folded, some of them I had to fold more than once. All of them took a couple hours especially trying to get the right kind of paper, with black on one side and white on the other. 

Black origami chess pieces

Black rook, bishop and pawn Close ups of each chess piece that I folded, some of them I had to fold more than once. All of them took a couple hours especially trying to get the right kind of paper, with black on one side and white on the other. 

London transport posters

My London transport posters are two posters that have been put together forming the Underground line map  and forming a music script for both the music and the titles, with the Royal Albert Hall and the Brixton Academy to show that the idea is based on London and the Underground map.