
Showing posts from 2012

Concepts and Ideologies

This project I started at the beginning of the second year at college. It is mainly about developing my own individual illustrator signature. By building up interests in the drawings, materials, media and other illustrators. I was really interested in producing my own fantasy creatures that no one else has ever created before and making puppets out of them. These images are photos of my final outcomes, layout design and sketchbook work. I'm hoping at some point I could use my puppets either to sell as products, animate them for a documented video of the creature or create a guidebook of all the fantasy creatures I've created and their biology.  


Towner Art Gallery Eastbourne Town Hall Over the summer hoilday I have been to these places, took photos of them, drew them using different media and producing them as postcards. But these images are only scans for when I was editing them on the computer and printing them off. The postcards are places like London, Eastbourne and Guildford  Olympic Torch, Princes Park Olympic Beach Volleyball Olympic Athletics Our Lady of Ransom Church  I even decorated the other side of the postcards and thought I should put them on display, using different ideas and media. Our Lady of Ransom Church postcard background  Guildford Marquis Canal Boat Guildford Marquis Canal Boat postcard background  Tower Bridge  Tower Bridge postcard background   London Chinatown   London Chinatown postcard background

America Ground

These sketches were f or my first work experience project we worked as a group of four for a shop called Dyke & Dean in Hastings , Dyke & Dean sell homeware and interior goods. The store is based in the historic America Ground dating back to the 18 th Century. They wanted us to research and produce through the media of design an item they could sell in the store. I sketched some ideas based on local sea birds and incorporated also the American eagle, the shop owners were very interested with these ideas and wanted me to progress the sketches to include the colours of the American flag. My final outcome was the image of the three coloured feathers with the title. These images are my final ideas with a few extra sketches. Sketchbook work

Doomsday illustrations

These images are part of my editorial illustrations project, based on a scientific article from a magazine called Doomsday. Using the media of collage from magazine pages, torn and placed together to form an image, the other elements in the picture were drawn, painted and edited onto photoshop. One side of the image shows the positive outcomes of wind energy with the wind turbines and the environment with the amount of trees. The other side shows the negative outcomes of pollution with the factory and the population with too many people living on this planet with the number increasing. It's all really explaining the main events that could affect this world that might change from the 19th century to the 22nd century.   

Promotional item sketchbook work

Pages from my sketchbook explaining the stages of how I created my promotional item and what media I used to create my compositions, background and title before scanning onto the compuer.                                                                                          

Promotional item 1

This image is my promotional item of a postcard which I thought that would be quite interesting to use for a number of clients such as book publishers or advertising illustrations for magazines. I thought it would be easy to create a postcard due to its purpose as delivering with a basic theme of demonstrating my abilities in art, with the use of media that I normally use for my final outcomes which is drawing and editing onto photoshop. The postcard image is quite ambiguous like it was advertising a poster, by comparing two different compositions together, using the same media for the same purpose to describe and advertise a message

Promotional item 2

This image is the back of the postcard with the title of the postcard image on the front, using typography to merge the title with the theme of a rainbow and contact details of telephone, email and blog website. Even added a patch of yellow paint which I scanned from the paint collage that I made in my sketchbook. 

Angel and Demons sticker

For this project I had to design a sticker that was going up onto a glass window. The theme was basically part of an editorial illustration of angels and devils, but it turns out my final outcome became some sort of logo instead. That way you can only read one word at a time on either side of the glass, which also tells you whose side you're on.

Angel and Demons sketch book 3

All of my ideas and sketches for my final sticker outcome came from ink drawings in my sketchbook, scanned onto photoshop.

Angel and Demons sketch book 2
